The Authentic Me: Hosted by Mel Yu
A mental health advocate with an honours in Psychology, and no stranger to the commercial world through her entrepreneurial endeavours, Mel is a sought-after empathetic and inspiring speaker.
Mel Yu guides and encourages her community to live a meaningful life through the power of authentic story-telling. The Authentic Me connects powerful stories and life lessons to the ears of listeners by interviewing successful game-changers from all walks of life.
Popular guests include Australian influencers, entertainment artists, life coaches and creative entrepreneurs. Common topics discussed involve self-development, successes, failures, mindset and how to create a life of purpose.
The Authentic Me: Hosted by Mel Yu
Get to know me through my housemate! Identity, Relationships & Freelancing | Beza Mickan-White | Ep 34
We are diving in deep here bringing my housemate into the mix! It's been a year of living with Jordan and Beza in my life so what better way to get to know me further and deeper than having her on the show!
Beza is an incredible media personality, MC, host and fashion model. She is a freelancer in the creative community and really helps us all give perspective to those who may be struggling to start! We also talk all things personal branding and her opinion and cautions meeting my partner, Jordan Consoli, for the first time! Listen and find out what she thought!
As always, if you loved this episode and what I do, please give a 5-star review on the platform you are listening on so it reaches more people and ears.
Find Beza on Instagram here:
See you next ep! x
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